HomeAnnouncementsEmail Blaster UK announce further improvements.

Email Blaster UK announce further improvements.

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Email Blaster UK announce further improvements to their successful email marketing system.

JC Peters Ltd launched the now well established and respected email marketing tool Email Blaster UK to the email marketing UK and international email marketing environments in 2009 and have been pleased to post exponential sales growth over the following 3 years.  Email Blaster UK set out to provide a very user friendly email marketing tool that enabled users to launch email marketing campaigns quickly and effectively with minimal ‘required knowledge’ of the software and general systems behind broadcast emailing but with absolute adherence to the principle that the results in the form of high quality readable and attractive emails to recipients would not be compromised.

A tall order to combine total simplicity and user friendliness in the construction of an email marketing campaign with high quality layout, graphic content and attractiveness in the final product – the received email.  The success of the email marketing system- Email Blaster, underlined the validity of this unique approach. Many traditional email marketing systems in the email marketing UK environment at time of inception often used licensed software that was either simple to implement but produced a low quality result or was incredibly clunky and complicated to set up in order to achieve an acceptable email marketing campaign.  Setting out to develop from a blank page an email marketing system that would square the circle in meeting the dual challenges of user- ease and professional outcome was never going to be easy and a suite of very advanced software techniques were employed to meet this challenge.

Results speak for themselves and the developing dominance of Email Blaster UK in email marketing, particularly in the email marketing UK marketplace, underlines the success with which Email Blaster UK approached the task. Analysis of marketing statistics shows that over 50% of users that opt for a free 30 day trial of Email Blaster sign-up to a contract of continuing use. Whilst accommodating all potential customers from sole traders, through SME’s to large corporations, it has always been the intention to attract those Small Medium sized Enterprises (SME’s) into email marketing as a  principle marketing tool. According to all economics pundits, this is where growth in the UK business environment is coming  from and Email Blaster UK aims to be central to this growth.

As above stated, analysis of marketing statistics has shown that, once encouraged to try the system out on the free 30 day trial, users are quickly convinced by the qualities of the system; however the next most important marketing task was to convince visitors to the Email Blaster UK website that it is really worth taking on a trial. Here, the conversion statistics of serious visitors (ie excluding the casual browser) to trial users remains at less than 10%. Whilst good by any standard, bearing in mind the percentage of visitors that are on site purely for interest or information, doubling the conversion rate from visitor to trial user would achieve a pro rata increase in sales. Email Blaster UK are that confident in the email marketing user friendliness and quality to be sure that conversion from trial user to contract user will increase further to over 75% as the soon-to-be released V3 system is sampled.

To achieve a higher conversion from website visitors to trial users and then an even higher conversion from trial users to permanent sign-ups, Email Blaster UK are first launching a revised website and are also developing improvements to the user tools of Email blaster at Version 3.

The Email Blaster UK website has been comprehensively re-visioned to accentuate the positive key selling features of the email marketing system;

  1. Easy to set up, compile and broadcast a campaign. In minutes you are broadcasting your first campaign. Entirely UK based help desk at the end of a phone or email, often talking to one of our software originator team. Ours is NOT a licensed product, entirely developed here in the UK for the email marketing UK and email marketing international markets.
  2. Total flexibility in sign-up requirements. No commitment to long term contracts, easy-in, easy-out arrangements offered from single campaigns to longer term.
  3. The most competitively priced  (we believe) email marketing system in the email marketing UK market.

The soon to be released Version 3 Email blaster UK software suite will contain improvements aimed at making email marketing with our system the easiest to use by far in the email marketing UK environment.

  1. New on line campaign builder (cBuilder) that will enable a user with no web design skill to quickly design fantastic email marketing campaigns. Again all of our development activities are undertaken in our UK software laboratory in Silverstone Northamptonshire (home of the British Grand Prix), where our help desks are co-located with our software design engineers.
  2. A new graphic user interface (GUI) that presents a simple clean on screen user interface which, using cloud based technologies will be a joy to work with.
  3. An expanded library of stock email templates ready for users to use and adapt for specific campaigns where we have already done all the hard work in producing a range of styles and impact visuals. All of these templates are fully bug tested across a full range of email readers including OUTLOOK 2010.

Spamming, as well as being a huge discomfort to all email uses, is blight on the legitimate email marketing world.

Email Blaster UK continues to fully and enthusiastically adhere to the email marketing protocols for the avoidance of spam and un-solicited emails and goes to great lengths to take the pain (and the dangers of users unwittingly spamming) out of email marketing campaigns. We believe Email Blaster already employs one of the most sophisticated email list cleansing systems available – List Doctor. In consultation with anti-spamming organisations, Email Blaster UK have progressively developed and improved List Doctor, as part of our V3 system enhancements, to go as far as possible to eliminate bad addresses and other, confidential, means of significantly reducing the dangers of unwittingly issuing spam even with a known and trusted email list.

The key benefits to users of email blaster list doctor is that the elimination of bad addresses, address duplications, opt out addressees etc increases delivery rates and, most importantly, reduces annoyance and possible complains from wrongly targeted recipients. It is believed that using this most effective tool – list doctor, will provide real benefits to users as well as positively contributing ro the reputation of the user and email marketing in general.

New website to be release in August 2012. V3 system release in Autumn.

For further information on Email marketing UK, email marketing and Email Blaster UK, please get in touch with us at Email Blaster UK:

T: 0845 2637266

E: support@emailblasteruk.com

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