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Email Marketing Metrics

how to get the most from your email marketing

There are a number of key email marketing metrics that can help you assess how your marketing strategy is performing. Understanding these metrics will prevent your carefully honed email hiding in spam folders, should help you pay no more than you need to for your email service and prevent your marketing emails from annoying the people you're trying to attract.

Let's take a look at some of the key email performance metrics and how they might be able to help you get more from your next email marketing campaign.

spam score email testing

How many of your marketing emails end up languishing in spam folders? Too many and your campaign is a complete waste of time.

A spam score tester tool allows you to check how inbox friendly your email is before hitting the send button. Certain keywords are more likely to send your email straight to the spam folder.

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email marketing open rates

There are few people with the time, patience or inclination to assiduously open and read every email that lands in their inbox. You need to make sure that yours stands out enough to be read.

An open rate metric lets you know the number of times your email has been opened. From this, you can gauge which subject lines are more effective and on which days you're more likely to be read.

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email click rate

Perhaps even more important than the open rate is your click rate. This tells you how many of those people who opened your email then went on to engage with the content.

Did they click on the links or check out certain products or offers on your website? If emails are being opened but not acted upon, then you need to look at how you might boost your email conversion rate.

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action rate over time

What time of day are people clicking on links in your email? Is it when they sit down at their desks with a morning coffee or perhaps it’s in the evening when they're relaxed and looking at their phones?

Ensuring your email lands at a time when more of your audience is likely to be checking their inbox is likely to increase your conversion rate.

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rate of email bounces

What percentage of your emails are bouncing right back again? This is even more wasteful than falling foul of spam filters so minimising it should be key.

unsubscribe data

If an email prompts an unusually high number of people hitting the unsubscribe button, then you need to examine what it was that caused the issue so as not to repeat it. Also, up to date subscription numbers will prevent you being charged for subscribers you don't have by your email marketing provider.

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Unit 10A Burcote Wood Business Park
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NN12 8TA
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Email Blaster is a trading name of JC Peters Ltd registered in England & Wales no. 07168254