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Open source API

Seamless integration with other software

From CRM systems to shopping carts, it’s easy to sync your Email Blaster with any 3rd party app. API has it covered; from subscriber management to setting up sends. With feature rich development tools at your disposal, everything you want and need can be achieved in next to no time.

Email Blaster gives your development team the tools to get creative. What will you create today?

Get Started: Looking for API documentation? Please use the dedicated developers area.

Developer's area

RESTful architecture

The Email Blaster API is designed and written from the ground up by the in-house design team. Structured using the common RESTful architecture, data transactions are made using JSON formatted requests.

For your development team, REST and JSON are common frameworks, enabling faster more cost effective planning, development and execution of your project.

Putting you in control

Control your Email Blaster remotely, or sync data with your CRM. The Email Blaster API allows complete control and flexibility over your email marketing activities.

Fetch subscriber details, add new subscribers, pull analytics data and even schedule an email send. Allowing control over almost every area of your Email Blaster, the powerful API provides the tools for your team to get creative.

Easy to follow documentation

Using standard format RESTful calls, your development team will feel at home using the Email Blaster API.

To ensure a quick uptake and cut development time, the dedicated developer's area provides quick start guides and documentation.

Email Blaster gives you the tools to get creative.

Let's get started.
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Email Blaster
Unit 10A Burcote Wood Business Park
Wood Burcote
NN12 8TA
01327 438077

Email Blaster is a trading name of JC Peters Ltd registered in England & Wales no. 07168254