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Storing email images with File Cloud

Upload, store and manage files and images

File cloud provides unlimited cloud based image/file storage for your email marketing. The dedicated app enables you to organise and manage your private cloud.

This stand-alone app enables you to; upload, store and manage files for use with your email marketing. Any file stored inside file cloud can be automatically added to any email blaster campaign.


Unlimited email file storage

File cloud gives you access to unlimited storage for all of your files and images. With drag and drop, you can quickly and easily upload your files into the cloud.

Organise your file cloud in exactly the same way as your computer desktop. You can create folders and move any of your files into these by draging and dropping. This is great if you are a regular emailer and have lots of campaigns inside your account. Each folder can contain files and images used in specific campaigns, making it really easy to find your favorite images again.

The intelligent search bar makes it really easy to search your files to find specific images. You can also change the sort order between newest and oldest - or display by file name instead of an image preview. File cloud gives you all of the tools to easily navigate lots of folders and files.

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Millions of royalty free email marketing stock images

If you are looking for good quality royalty free images to use in your next campaign, then file cloud is ready to help.

File cloud has access to millions of quality images, both animated and still. Simply search for the type of image that you are looking for and file cloud will fetch the results.

All images are optimised for use with email marketing. File cloud gives you everything you need to compliment your email design with professional royalty free stock images.

Cloud based photo editing with File Cloud

Aswell as providing access to a huge library of images, file cloud gives you the added functionality of being able to edit the appearance.

Change the lighting, boost the colours, crop or change the sizing and if the mood grabs you, why not add a funny hat and moustache.

One of the really great edit features is the ability to overlay text on top of an image. This is perfect for creating a bespoke html image with your company's custom tag line.

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Email Blaster
Unit 10A Burcote Wood Business Park
Wood Burcote
NN12 8TA
01327 438077

Email Blaster is a trading name of JC Peters Ltd registered in England & Wales no. 07168254