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Track the return on your email marketing

Get the 'insight' and sell more products

When you send out an email marketing campaign, 'Insight' will allow you to track your email subscriber's journey as they view different pages on your website.

Open the door to a huge amount of visibility and valuable marketing information about the behavior of your email subscribers.

Find out which pages they visited, how long they stayed on each, the value and description of products that they purchased, most popular entry and exit pages, the average customer journey and even the content of abandoned baskets.

How to start using 'Insight'

It's really easy to set insight up, in no time at all your Email Blaster analytics will be tracking subscribers as they journey through your website

Inside the 'apps' section of Email Blaster, you'll the the icon to take you into the 'Insight' set up process.

All you need to do is register the address of your company website inside the app, then cut and paste one line of code into each page of your website that you want to track.

Watch set up video

Find out which pages email viewers visited

When your email viewers click on a link to your website inside your mailer, 'Insight' will then start tracking their activity on your website. 'Insight' will let you know every page that each visitor viewed in the sequence that they viewed them. So, as they navigate around your website, 'Insight' will record this information and show it to you in the form of a flow diagram inside Email Blaster.

As well as showing this information for each viewer, 'Insight' will collate all of the page views generated by your email marketing campaign and compile a graph of the average customer journey. This is a great tool for finding out the most (and least) popular pages on your company website.

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Entry and exit pages ranked

If your email marketing contains links to different pages on your website, then 'Insight' will rank these in terms of their popularity. This handy graph will quickly show you which are your best performing links. Having access to this information gives you everything you need to tune your website for optimum performance.

As well as ranking your top entry pages, 'Insight' will also rank your top exit pages. These are the pages where the viewer left your website. Having this information means that you can easily find out which pages didn't generate enough viewer interest. It often takes time and tweaking to get all of the pages on your website focused enough to generate a good level of conversions.

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Return on investment tracking

Using 'Insight' your can track web sales that have originated from clicks generated through email marketing.

This means that you can see exactly how much sales revenue each email marketing campaign has generated. Not only can you see totals, but you can see the average spend per order and who bought what.

Having access to this depth of data helps you spend your marketing budget efficiently. You can then allocate your marketing spend according to which yields the strongest results and the best return on your investment.

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Abandoned basket

'Insight' will also let you know if your email subscribers put products in their basket, but did not complete their order.

This means that you can then easily send a follow up campaign to all of the people who left your site without completing their order.

People who almost bought are often the easiest sales conversions to achieve. Sometimes they just needs a quick reminder that their basket is still waiting for them to complete.

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Email Blaster
Unit 10A Burcote Wood Business Park
Wood Burcote
NN12 8TA
01327 438077

Email Blaster is a trading name of JC Peters Ltd registered in England & Wales no. 07168254